Nowadays, diabetes is a common and severe condition. You have to manage your diabetes if you are suffering from it. There is no method that completely cure this condition. If you have diabetes, then you have to keep your blood sugar levels within the normal range and keep it check regularly. However, the question is how you got to know that you are suffering from diabetes?
There are various signs and symptoms that could appear in your daily routine from which you can assume and later confirm by the doctor that you are affected by such condition.
Common assumptions about diabetes
Level of glucose in the blood is the most common thing that comes into the mind when you need to know am I suffering from diabetes? Which is true, the most common indicator of diabetes is the higher level of glucose in the blood.
The warning signs associated with diabetes are sometimes so mild that they went unnoticed. In the case of type 2 diabetes, symptoms went unnoticed until the damage was done. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes are more severe and happen quickly within days or a few weeks.
Diabetes has different types, but the main two types are type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes and type 2 diabetes, also called adult-onset diabetes.
Both these types have sudden symptoms, and you might be surprised by the diagnosis as symptoms might have been occurring for months and years.
Type 2 diabetes is common among other types of diabetes. Too much high blood sugar levels can be seen in type 2 diabetes, and to manage this, you have to start the treatment as soon as possible to minimize the complications associated with the disease.

Pre-diabetes is a kind of warning sign that you are on the way of getting diabetes. It’s a wake-up call for many people who can develop diabetes in the next few years if they are unable to control pre-diabetes either by diet or by exercise. How can I tell if I am pre-diabetic.
In pre-diabetes, the blood sugar levels are higher, but according to doctors, they are not high enough to categories them in diabetes. There are high chances of development of type 2 diabetes in people having pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes also increases the risk of getting stroke and heart diseases. However, prediabetes can be managed by lifestyle changes.

Warning signs of having diabetes
The typical warning signs of diabetes include
Frequent urination
The normal adult has to urinate about 5 to 7 times a day, but people have diabetes may have to pee more than that.
The most common sign of diabetes is the peening more than usual. Kidneys filter out excess sugar out of the blood when the blood sugar levels are high due to diabetes. This causes a person to urinate more than the usual, especially at night.
Blurred vision
You might be suffering from diabetes if you feel that you have blurred vision. The tiny blood vessels of the eyes get damaged by the high blood sugar levels causing a blurred vision. Both eyes are affected by this condition, and this condition might come and go.
The other reason can also support the evidence of blurred vision is the change in the fluid levels due to excessive sugar in blood leads to swelling of lens, change the shape of the lens, inability to focus and also causes blurred vision.
Permanent vision loss can also occur if blood vessels severely damage when untreated for longer periods.
Feeling tired and fatigued
This can also result from the fact that food (glucose) does not provide the required energy to the body due to the deficiency of insulin or sugar is not moving from the bloodstream to the cells of the body to provide energy.
This will affect s person’s ability to carry everyday tasks and also causes metal fatigue and depression.
Increased thirst
Our body may also lose additional water while removing excess sugar from the blood. This can be seen as people with diabetes urinate more than usual. Removal of excess water from the body leads to dehydration, and hence, you will feel thirstier.
Always feeling hungry
One of early warning sign of type 2 diabetes is the constant hungry feeling. The body diabetics do not get enough energy from the food they consume. That can be explained as food is converted into glucose, and this glucose is used by body cells for energy.
But, body cells require insulin for the transportation of glucose. Deficiency of insulin or resistance of insulin doesn’t bring glucose to the cells for energy. This makes you hungrier.
Slow healing of cuts and wounds
If your minor cuts and wounds don’t heal quickly, then that might be a concern for you. Because blood vessel and nerves of the body can be damaged by the excessive blood sugar levels. As a result of these small wounds and cuts take months to heal, this is related to poor circulation of the blood and damaged nerves. The chances of infections are also higher with slow wound healing.
Pain or numbness in your feet or legs
Due to damage of the nerves and blood vessels, the blood flow to the extremities of the body becomes insufficient, and this leads to a feeling of tingling and numbness of the legs and feet.
Dry mouth and itchy skin
Excessive urination and loss of water cause dehydration and dryness of the mouth. Dehydration also causes dryness of the skin. This dryness of skin can lead to itchy skin.
Other health complications
There are many serious health complications associated with diabetes, be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of diabetes, and if you feel any warning sign get tested for diabetes to prevent further complications.
Most common tests used to diagnose diabetes are
What should you do after having warning signs?
You must schedule a diabetes test with your doctor if you experience any of the above-mentioned warning signs.
Your doctor will guide you with the right diet, exercise, and medication plan for the management of diabetes and improve the quality of life.
Call now (586) 698-1200 to schedule an appointment with a Cardiologist in Sterling Heights, Washington Township or Rochester Hills, Michigan.