Women and Hearth Health

women and heart heath
women and heart heath

Talk with a Cardiologist about Women and heart health

Tuesday, February 15, seven to 8:30 PM

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Knowledge is power when it comes to prevention. Dr. Sindhu Koshy is a cardiologist who specializes in heart disease in women. Please join her as she empowers you with information regarding:

  • Living with heart disease
  • Prevention of heart disease
  • The importance of living a healthy lifestyle

This event is for women all ages and for those who love them.
Location Rochester Hills Public library

Register at: ascension.org/events search keyword ” women heart”

Or call 248-844-4540


February 15, 2022Tuesday7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.


Rochester Hills Public Library
500 Olde Towne Road, Rochester, MI 48307

Women and hearth disease event